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Svilen Stefanov


(b. 1966, in Sofia) Professor at the National Academy of Art, in Sofia. Doctor of Science. He is an artist, art historian, art critic and curator. Svilen Stefanov is one of the main representatives and ideologists of the XXL Group, established in Sofia in 1994. He is the author of the first book about the history of Bulgarian contemporary art: Avant-garde and Norm. Innovational Tendencies from the End of the 20th Century in Bulgarian Art, Publishing Company Agata, Sofia, 2003, and Processes and Tendencies in Bulgarian Contemporary Art (Late 20th and Early 21st Century), Publishing Company at the National Art Academy, Sofia, 2014. He lives and works in Sofia.

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Chavdar Popov


(b. 1950, Sofia) Professor in History and Theory of Art; doctor of science. He is the author of a number of books on world and Bulgarian art, among which are: Totalitarian Art. Ideology. Organization. Practice., St. Kliment Ohridski University Publishing House, 2002, Sofia; Postmodernism and Bulgarian Art in the 1980s and 1990s, Bulgarian Artist Publishing House, 2009, Sofia. Popov is a member of ICOM, the Union of Bulgarian Artists and the Union of Bulgarian Journalists.


Lilyana Karadjova


(b. 1984, Sofia). Lecturer on history and theory of photography, classical and alternative photographic processes, analysis of photographic image, in MA programs Photography and Art Therapy in National Academy of Arts, Bulgaria and in BA and MA programs in New Bulgarian University. Doctor of Philosophy in Art History. Research interests in the field of psychological approaches in theory of photography. Visiting professor in Abat Oliba CEU University, Barcelona.

In the field of criticism Lilyana Karadjova worked as an art columnist in national newspaper Novinar daily in the period 2008-2016 and frequently contributes to magazines L'Europeo, Art and Critique and newspaper Culture. Selected projects and solo exhibtions in photography: Dream Machine (2011, Museum Center of Modern History, Plovdiv), Dark Thoughts, Light Spots (2015, the fridge), Film’s Not Dead (2018, The Red House Centre for Culture and Debate), Freedom now-and-here (2018-2019, Sofia Arsenal - Museum of Contemporary Art), “Photographic Original and Art Practices", (2017,2018, The Red House Centre for Culture and Debate)

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Venelin Shurelov 


Assoc. Prof. PhD Venelin Shurélov - Graduated in Scenography from the National Art Academy, Bulgaria - PhD (2009). Co-founder and professor at the Digital Arts MA program, at the National Art Academy; co-founder, part of curatorial team and technical organizer of the DA Fest - International Digital Art Festival (2009-). Founder of the Subhuman Theatre (2004-) and Via Pontica art group (2002-2005).

Venelin Shurelov is the author of various interactive installations and performances, some of which are Drawing Machine (2005), Fantomat (2008), Orthoman (2009), Tabula Rasa (2010), Shooting Gallery (2012 ), Rotor (2016). In 2011 he realized the cyber lecture Man Ex Machina, and in 2016 he realized Post-Everything performance installation, as a guest lecturer at Towson University, the USA.

His projects are multifaceted and include paintings, interactive installations and performance, digital technologies, video and art theory. He has a number of stage design projects, individual and group exhibitions and participations in numerous festivals in Bulgaria, Europe and the United States. He has been awarded many times for his work in theater and contemporary art.

He lives and works in Sofia.


Ivan Stefanov


(b. 1998, in Sofia) Student in Art History at the National Art Academy, Sofia. He works at the National Gallery, in Sofia. Stefanov is a published author in the field of contemporary art in newspapers and specialized editions. He is the author of short stories in the Literaturen Vesnik literature weekly; he is also the founder and frontman of rock band Froyd.


Zdravko Sirakov


(b. 1998, in Pleven) Student in Poster and visual communication at the National Art Academy, Sofia. Professional qualification in special and graphic design.

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