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by Svilen Stefanov

Ficus is an electronic magazine, created as an instrument for a needed critical and theoretical interpretation of the phenomena that are happening in contemporary art - both Bulgarian and international, with an emphasis on the region, on the center we are living in. The magazine concentrates on providing information for current events, publishes critical reviews, as well as texts on art history and theory, i.e. different levels of communication with the readers are offered. Logically, the magazine is a space, where all possible forms of information flow, typical for the operation of contemporary internet platforms, are employed.  

The problem for the already mentioned need for interpretation is of vital importance. There have been a number of symptoms in recent years, which show a renewed reflex on the part of the artistic community to look for support in old and new power centers. On the other hand, one of the big global problems of art today is that it is constructed by easy to imitate, comparatively simple codes, whose extensions are presented as the only possible ways of artistic existence. To a great extend these “codes” in the way of thinking and creating are a means to colonize provincial situations, which, however, are given a choice – either to obey the vague, politically correct post-conceptualism and be “contemporary”, or to be threatened by the eternal darkness of nonexistence in the “art world”. That, being an idiotic choice, can only exist as a wrong notion, because it is impossible to be “like everybody else” and be successful. That is why the interpretation of today’s art has become even more significant. It could save us from the one-sidedness of the evident.       

Due to these and other similar reasons, Ficus is an edition, which will not tolerate servile behavior, nor will sing anthems for local “royals”, but at the same time will not condone “cargo cults” striving to achieve the “unachievable”, which bears the brand “world art”. This is a space free of dogmatism, whether it is “spiritually” traditional, or concerning “emergently current” pragmatic institutionalism. The magazine will maintain its independence in terms of predetermined fixations in cultural life and will look for the highest degree of authenticity in contemporary Bulgarian art. Its goal is to widen the field of “the narrative” of its happening.

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